With the final gameweek of the Premier League season on the horizon, we’ve taken the opportunity to launch a FPL Updates Readers Survey.
Whilst we often consider feedback provided through various social medias, we have never carried out a full survey, until now! We have tried to keep the survey itself as brief as possible, whilst giving YOU the opportunity to expand on your views on the site, your likes, your dislikes, your fantasy football addiction and also a bit of information about yourself.
This survey and your feedback will provide us with a vital step in shaping the future of fplupdates.wpengine.com. We’re currently looking at a variety of improvements and additions to the FPL Updates content and your input is invaluable.
The survey will be open to all of our readers and we would like the results help align our priorities and maybe even open up some new avenues. We hope you’ll take some time to answer our questions and leave some feedback.
The survey will be open for a month and then we will start to plan for the new season!
Click here to take the survey.
Thank you for your time and feedback.